The live-wire of Bollywood, Ranveer Singh delivered a box office blockbuster with director Rohit Shetty in the form of Simmba, which earned over Rs 240 crore at the domestic market. While we soon hope that makers announnce the sequel of it, the latest report suggests that the duo are collaborating for an out-and-out comedy film. As per the Bollywood Hungama report, a source said, 'Rohit has been looking to step outside the Golmaal franchise and his cop universe, and the lockdown gave him the time to work on an out and out comic script. When he narrated the basic idea to Ranveer, the actor was equally excited as he hasn't done a comedy film Rohit Shetty e-style before and agreed to come on board.'
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© Provided by #Simmba (2018) Hindi Movie Online in HD - Einthusan Ranveer Singh, Sonu Sood, Sara Ali Khan Directed by Rohit Shetty Music by Tanishk Bagchi, Lijo George - DJ Chetas, S. Thaman 15 Saved by Einthusan. Hindi Bollywood Movies Bollywood Posters Pakistani Movies Bollywood Actress 2018 Movies Hd Movies Movies Free Comedy Movies Drama Movies.
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The source further added, 'But Ajay Devgn's dates are full for next one year owing to the six month closure, which has pushed Golmaal 5 also by a year. He was supposed to start Golmaal 5 around October this year for a Diwali 2021 release, but the film will now start only in the last quarter of 2021.' Apart from Simmba, Ranveer and Rohit have worked together in ad commercials. 'It's a bond of mutual respect. This is just the beginning of a new partnership between the two RS',' concluded the source.
Watch Simmba, Hindi Movie directed by Rohit Shetty, starring Ranveer Singh, Sara Ali Khan and Sonu Sood full movie, online in HD subs on Zee5. Along with similar movies like Total Dhamaal, Bharat, and Housefull 4.
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Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh will be next seen in '83, which also features wife Deepika Padukone in a key role. Talking about the actress coming on board, director Kabir Khan earlier told us in an exclusive interview, 'I think the background, the fact that her dad, Prakash Padukone was a sports superstar, that influenced her very strongly. It wasn't because Deepika had agreed to do the film that I wrote the role. Deepika liked the role, and that's why she agreed to do the film. We never initially intended it that way (Deepika being a part of the film), and as Deepika said, there's a certain support role that the family plays, and I wanted to capture that, which is why I wrote the character of Romi, and when I narrated it to Deepika, I knew it was a small role. So, I said to Deepika, 'Just listen to the film. If you like it, you'll come on board, if not, you won't come on board. She heard the film, and she knew it was about the team and the boys and Kapil. But, she just loved the script and so, she came on board.'